Friday, April 30, 2010

Our Very Own... Jeff Sensei!!! XD

Facebook | Videos from Shinkendo Shimbukan Singapore

Facebook | Videos from Shinkendo Shimbukan Singapore

Shinkendo Demo in NTU @ 2010

Shinkendo Dojo in Singapore

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen! My name is Zeng Yang(im new to the blog) and this is my blog on the life of the Singaporean Samurai ! =)
Im currently a practitioner of the Japanese Sword Art named Shinkendo and we have a Dojo in Singapore! So if you ladies and gentlemen or fellow martial arts enthusiasts are interested, you can check it out at our facebook group Facebook Shinkendo Shimbukan Singapore! Cheers! =)

Shinkendo Shimbukan Singapore!!!

Hey guys! Ive finally created this blog to try it out! Lets see if this will work! =)
ZengYang - Ichimonji